pls help me understand why one would use a Limit if touched LIT order over a regular limit order stocks

say if the market price is $12 and you want to buy in at no more than $10. You could: a)set a limit price of $10 or b) set a LIT order with trigger of $10.25 and limit of $10Either way you accomplish the same thing (ie, guaranteeing a max buy in point of $10). And since you pass by $10.25 on your way down to $10, I dont see the reason to have a trigger point. That is, unless you are trying to hide your buying intentions from the order book (but in that case, at least on IBKR you can choose the do not display order option which would accomplish the same thing)? So I must be missing something here.

Huh, I didnt realize the order execution priority was different but that makes perfect sense. Thanks