Question about swap pricing stocks

Hello, I have a question if anyone can help me I am a new investor, I am based in Croatia, and I am investing in U.S. based stocks. My problem (and question) is that I think that I have very high swap rates in holding of the stocks. On average (and there is very little leeway here) I have to pay 0.8% swap cost for holding a stock for a month, which would equate to almost 10%!!! Is there a way for me to reduce the cost of the swap? Note I cannot move to another country, and I am (for now) only insterested in US stocks(ALB,CAT,JNJ etc.)

Hello, I have a question if anyone can help me I am a new investor, I am based in Croatia, and I am investing in U.S. based stocks. My platform is Metatrader. My broker is and I have a account made in Kunas (Croatian currency). My problem (and question) is that I think that I have very high swap rates in holding of the stocks. On average (and there is very little leeway here) I have to pay 0.8% swap cost for holding a stock for a month, which would equate to almost 10%!!! per year. Is there a way for me to reduce the cost of the swap? Note I cannot move to another country, and I am (for now) only insterested in US stocks(ALB,CAT,JNJ etc.) since I only know those for now